Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Word I Realized I Didn't Know, Starting with the Letter "A"

I've spent a lot more time on YouTube in the recent months, and thus have heard a lot more talking than usual (I've been plowing through vlog videos, not music videos, ergo the extensive words flowing toward my ears). In doing so, I've come to realize there was one particular word that I had seen a lot but never known really what it meant or how to use it. The word, you ask? "Albeit." Now, if you've read the word, you have probably read it to yourself with the proper pronunciation. However, whenever I read "albeit" to myself, it would be spoken in my head as if it were, "ALL-BAIT."

So yeah, I've always pronounced albeit as "all-bate" (my fail-phoenetic spelling isn't critical). Therefore, when I heard one vlogger say something sounding like, "All bee it," on more than one occasion, used similarly to what I read as, "ALL BAYT" (yeah there's gonna be a different phoenetic spelling every time I say it), I thought, "HM, that's probably the same word... WOW CATIE, you're foolish."

So I did what any child of the interwebulous generation would do, and it, realizing that I already had a general sense of the definition of "albeit" and thus I shall be able to read it and understand it as it is being used.

However, I also realized that, when reading it, even from now on, I will probably still read it pronouncing it in my head as, "Awl-Baet."

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